Title: Lost Treasures of St. Louis, Second Edition
Author: Cameron Collins and Dennis Dillon
Size: 9 x 12
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781681064819
Price: $42.00
Published in 2017, Lost Treasures of St. Louis provided a kaleidoscope of bygone places, events, and items once identified with the Gateway City. Now, in an all-new second edition, Lost Treasures of St. Louis continues the journey down memory lane. Fully updated and brimming with more than 130 new entries, memories of places like Eat-Rite, Schneithorst’s, Village Square, and Ponticello’s are brought back to life and placed alongside famous St. Louis memories like the Admiral, Forest Park Highlands, and Phil the Gorilla.
Celebrate dancing to Ike and Tina at the Club Imperial, Bowling for Dollars at the Arena, movies at Ronnie’s Drive-In, and myriad other pastimes enjoyed through the years. Rarely seen photos and artifacts will revive eateries like Miss Hulling’s Cafeteria and the floating McDonald’s and entertainment and sports attractions including the Pevely Fountain and Sportsman’s Park. Revisit retail stores including Famous-Barr and Grandpa Pidgeon’s, and community establishments like Cleveland High School and Homer G. Phillips Hospital. And of course we can’t forget locally manufactured products like Mavrakos Candy and Falstaff beer.
Join longtime St. Louisans Cameron Collins and Dennis Dillon as they travel to favorite places that are gone but not forgotten. This second edition of Lost Treasures of St. Louis will elicit nostalgia and reveal how the past has shaped St. Louis and all who have called it home.
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Nostalgia reigns supreme in new edition of ‘Lost Treasures of St. Louis’ – St. Louis on the Air
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The Lost Treasures of St. Louis – KMOX
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The McDonald’s Paddleboat Was a Fast Food Trendsetter. Then It Disappeared – The Drive
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St. Louis shines in four new books from Reedy Press – St. Louis Post-Dispatch
If you’re reading this, you likely have a St. Louisan on your gift list. Reedy Press will deliver — literally. It has offered scores of titles about local history over the years, and its authors manage to make that history
Lost Treasures of St. Louis – City Corner
Co-authors Cameron Collins and Dennis Dillon discuss their new book, Lost Treasures of St. Louis, Second Edition which looks at bygone places, events and other items once identified with the Gateway City.
The night the 66 Park-In Theater closed. Do you remember these other lost St. Louis treasures? – St. Louis Post-Dispatch
On the weekend of Oct. 14 1993, the 66 Park-In Theater played its final show. On the bill at the Crestwood drive in that weekend were "The Program" and "The Good Son."